Art works

When does your room end?


大学生の夏、バイト先で知り合った友達数人と茅ヶ崎の海に行った。 特別仲が良い訳でもなく、悪くもない その子と私。 帰り道、彼女は車が少し止まっている間に、 さっきまで飲んでたカフェオレが入ってたプラカップを窓の外に投げた。 竹林に向かって投げられたプラカップはだらんと横たわり、用無しを告げられていた。私は声が出なかった。


自分の部屋はせっせと掃除して、掃除機なんか滑らせて。 床にゴミを投げ捨てて、放置する事なんて誰もしない。 でも、なぜ人はゴミを世界に捨てるんだろう?

私たちの「部屋」は 壁を超えて 街、国、もっと広げると「地球全体」に広がっている。彼女がそう思っていたなら、きっとプラカップを投げていなかった。

ゴミと人が決めた瞬間、モノはゴミに変わる。 でも、どんなモノも、ゴミである前にモノである。 さよならすると決めたなら、モノに対してきちんとした礼儀を持って別れて行きたい。

作業工程として、まず粘土を用意して空き缶などのモチーフを見ながら模刻します。 その後、耐火石膏で粘土の形を取り、石膏が固まったら粘土を取り除き、 中にガラスを詰めて電気炉の熱でゆっくりと溶かし、形成します。研磨を繰り返し完成。

When I was in university I went with my coworkers to Chigasaki Beach. On the way back from the beach, one of my coworkers finished her drink and tossed her cup out the window of the car. I watched it flutter and fall into a bamboo grove. I didn't know her well enough to say anything, but I thought "How irresponsible!" and I wanted to shout at her, "How dare you? Who do you think is going to pick that up?" The image of the

crumpled cup lying in the bamboo grove has stayed with me. It was part of my inspiration for this show.It is natural for us to take responsibility for our own spaces.We are careful to keep our rooms tidy and we wouldn't dream of throwing garbage on the floor of our rooms. So, why would someone throw their garbage into the world?My question is: Where does my room end? Surely, my room extends past my walls into my city, my country, my Earth.

I'm sure If my coworker had thought about it this way, she wouldn't have ever thrown that cup.Let's care for our Earth as thoughtfully and meticulously as we care for our rooms. Let's keep our Earth beautiful.

With thanks to Lisa for her help with translation

Hour glass




My art blossoms from my vivid memories of childhood.

In my mind's eye, I can still toddle the layout of our tiny apartment at the age of two

and remember:

-the toys I played with and the reason I loved them so,

-bathtime and singing songs with my father

-the ojisan who lived next door, who always left a family-size packet of hard adzuki bean bars on top of the washing machine in the hallway of our building

-and joyful days with people who treasured me.

For most people, as they grow older, their childhood memories fade, as does their ability to see the world with the curiosity and wonder of a child. But, for me, holding these memories close, I am still able to perceive the world with the same honesty and purity as I did when I was young. This innocence and belief in the magic that is all around us has painted its way onto my canvases and whistles through the air that forms the glass I cast. My hope is that when people see my art they can feel the pure, carefree breeze that created it, and it gives them a fresh new perspective on the world around them. And I hope this fresh perspective inspires them to create beauty and joy in their own lives.




The parakeet




